Four Year BA 4th year Sociology Students should read two different course Title
4-year BA Sociology Fourth Year Syllabus Tribhuvan University
- So426 – Sociology of Development and Democracy
- So427 – Academic Research and Writing
So426 – Sociology of Development and Democracy
Course Description: The idea of development carries multiple meanings. This is one of the buzzwords in the field of social science. The term is complex and contested ambiguous and elusive. To put it simply, development can be related to something like social change that allows people to achieve their human potential. development is the sum total of growth. sustainability. inclusion. equity. human capability enhancement. enlarging people’s choices, and so on. In the renewed understanding of development particularly after the 1990s, one thing is broadly shared that development implies something more than production (growth) and includes such things as democracy, justice and fairness, for example. In this sense, development entails a process of societal change that undoubtedly puts people at the center.
So427 – Academic Research and Writing
Course Description: This module discusses the concept and the process of academic research highlighting its importance in higher education particularly focusing on university education. The module deals with all the basic steps of the research process beginning with developing research questions and ends with an argument/conclusion based on sociological reasoning. Students will also be aught/instructed about the nature and process of academic writing. During the entire process of research and writing, students will be engaged in both understanding theoretical knowledge and working with their own individual/group research project. The Subject Teachers will instruct in each step with substantive/constructive comments/guidance. As part of the practicum, by the end of the academic session, this module expects a paper or research report based on the students’ individual/group research project.
Download Syllabus: BA 4yr Sociology
#DevelopmentStudies #SocialChange #SociologyOfDevelopment #DemocracyAndDevelopment #SocialJustice #HumanCapability #InclusionAndEquity #SocietalChange #DevelopmentTheories #DevelopmentEducationFor #ResearchSkill #AcademicWriting #ResearchMethods #HigherEducation #ResearchProject #SociologicalResearch #AcademicSkills #StudentResearch #ResearchPaper #WritingTips